Legal age of marriage and civil partnerships raised to 18

01 Mar

The Marriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum Age) Act 2022 has now come into force (27th February 2023).  This is an important change and one which anyone having the benefit of a permission to undertake marriages or civil ceremonies at their site.

Prior to this Act coming into force children could get married at 16 or 17 with parental consent.  Religious or cultural marriages that happen under those ages and are not officially registered with local councils were not previously unlawful.

As a result of the new Act, 16 and 17-year-olds will no longer be allowed to marry or enter a civil partnership, even if they have consent from their parents. 

The new law also raises the minimum age for marriage to 18 years and includes religious or cultural marriages not registered with the local Council.

When contacted by potential guest venues must be aware of this change and may wish to look at current risk assessments and training of staff, we undertake applications and renewals for all the relevant permissions and would be pleased to advise on any potential internal documents which are being reviewed.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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